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nuclear warhead 核彈頭。

nuclear winter

Because the nuclear disarmament verification technologies are quite complex , particularly the technology for nuclear warhead detection is very difficult , and it concerns to the sensitive issues such as national security and nonproliferation of nuclear weapons , it would be benefitial for china to explore the technology of nuclear warhead detection before participating in the nuclear disarmament process 由于核裁軍的核查技術復雜,特別是核彈頭的探測技術復雜,難度大,涉及國家的安全和國際核不擴散等敏感問題,因此在中國參加核裁軍之前開展核查技術中的核彈頭探測技術研究是一項非常重要的技術儲備。

The results show that coincidence detection method has obvious benefit in detecting nuclear warheads . for the same type warhead , the coincidence counts rates of the model of warhead of heu pit is 10 times as big as that of fake warhead of natural uranium pit . if we know the nuclear warheads configuration by other methods , the method of coincidence neutron detection could be used to distinguis h the fake nuclear warheads from the reals 計算表明用探測符合中子的方法探測核彈頭對區分真假核彈頭有明顯的優點,對于同一核彈頭模型,裂變彈芯是高濃鈾和用天然鈾替代高濃鈾時,符合中子計數相差1個量級,如通過其他途徑了解核彈頭的大致結構,符合測量的方法就可以有較高的置信度分辨真假核彈頭。

In this thesis , the numeral simulation studies are performed on the measurement of neutrons and gamma rays of some typical hypothetical nuclear warhead models . the feasibility of the measurements is studied , the situations that these measurements possibly can be applied are discussed , and the application conditions of these measurements are explored 本論文從核彈頭的中子探測和射線探測兩個方面對幾種典型結構的核彈頭探測的方法進行了理論研究和數值模擬,論證其探測方法的可行性,討論了其適用范圍和限制條件。

The method of numeral simulating the coincidence neutron detection is proposed with combining the neutron transportation and probabilistic calculation . the method is introduced and used to simulate the nuclear warhead induced fission by source neutrons with energy below 1 mev 推導并提出用中子輸運計算與概率方法結合計算符合中子計數,對能量低于1mev的外源中子照射核彈頭誘發裂變的符合中子測量作了數值模擬。

With the outer neutron source which can only induce 235u fission , it could possibly prove the presence of heu in a warhead by counting the coincidence neutrons . this method possibly provides one of necessary attributions in identifying the real nuclear warheads 本文研究了用中子符合探測方式測量能量低于1mev的外中子源在核彈頭中誘發的裂變數,以判別模型中是否含有高濃鈾,從而作為判斷核彈頭的真偽的可行性。

In numeral simulation of passive neutron detection , it is proposed to use the iterative calculation in analyzing the neutron multiplication in nuclear warhead . on this basis , the mass of the plutonium pit could be obtained under some conditions 在被動中子探測數值模擬中,提出在確定了核彈頭的泄漏中子計數后,采用迭代方法計算中子在核彈頭模型中的增殖,由此在一定條件下可實施核彈頭質量屬性的反演。

Detecting nuclear warhead by counting delayed neutrons induced by neutron source is studied . the 2 - step calculation method is proposed to resolve the delayed neutron transportation issue . this method can save computer ' s calculation time , and is easy to operate 本文研究了用外中子源照射核彈頭,誘發其裂變材料裂變,探測緩發中子的方法,以此判斷高濃鈾與低濃鈾,從而為核查核彈頭的真偽提供依據。

Forget nuclear warheads to stop a crash with a comet that could have cataclysmic effects such as the one that is believed to have triggered the demise of the dinosaurs , hermann burchard of oklahoma state university told new scientist magazine 俄克拉荷馬州立大學的赫爾曼-伯恰德對新科學家雜志說,別想用核彈頭去阻止同彗星的碰撞,那樣做的后果會跟據信使恐龍絕滅的那次災難差不多。

If using the natural uranium to replace the heu pit in warhead , the delayed neutron counting rate would be about 3 times lower . the coincidence neutron detection is proposed to be used in nuclear warhead detection 計算表明用天然鈾替代高濃鈾作的假彈頭,它們的出殼緩發中子數相差約3倍,需在一定條件下,才可對真偽核彈頭做出判斷。

In this paper , by neutron radiation detection with the passive method , the study on detectability , neutron spectra , etc . for the plutonium combined systems including the stimulated nuclear warhead assembly are introduced 摘要介紹了通過探測中子輻射,用被動方法研究了包括模擬核彈頭裝置在內的各杯組合系統的可探測性和中子能譜等內容。

If the prc has managed to “ steal “ “ design information “ on every one of our currently deployed nuclear warheads , then each of these clinton administration policies is partially to blame 如果中華人民共和國“竊缺到了我們目前所部署的每種核彈頭的“設計情報”的話,那么,責任將部分歸咎于克林頓政府目前執行的這些政策。

Nuclear warheads detection is an important verification technology for nuclear disarmament treaty in nuclear disarmament process , and this technology is also concerned to the national security interests 在核裁軍過程中,核彈頭探測是對核裁軍條約執行情況進行核查的重要內容,它涉及到國家重大安全利益。

For example , a one - megaton nuclear warhead would need to be intercepted at an altitude of at least 10 kilometers to prevent the city from being incinerated by the heat of the hydrogen bomb 舉例來說,一枚百萬噸級的核子彈頭,必須在10公里以上的高空攔截,城市才不致于因為氫彈的熱度而化為灰燼。

The feasibility of taking the gamma ray spectrum as a fingerprint of nuclear warhead is studied . the range of the gamma ray fingerprint could be applied to and the conditions under which it 我們研究了射線譜作彈頭指紋以判別彈頭類型的可行性、適用范圍以及對探測時間、距離的要求。

The bush administration is eager to start work on a new nuclear warhead with all sorts of admirable qualities : sturdy , reliable and securen from terrorists 布什政府正在試圖開發一種新的核彈頭,由于針對恐怖分子的緣故,這些彈頭質量上乘:它們堅固、可靠而安全。

But if a bomb can be delivered close to its target bunker , the explosive power of a nuclear warhead may be superfluous ; a conventional warhead will usually do 但如果可將炸彈送到目標掩體附近,核彈頭的爆炸威力就顯得過大,傳統彈頭通常就能達成任務了。

But their original mission of designing nuclear warheads , apparently , also has not suffered despite international agreements like the comprehensive test ban treaty 但是他們最初設計核彈頭的任務顯然地也沒有受到像全面禁止試驗條約談判的國際協議影響。

With about 200 nuclear warheads according to a recent estimate by the federation of american scientists , china ' s arsenal is far smaller than the united states ' near 10 , 000 美國科學家聯合會最近估計中國有200枚核彈頭,與美國的近一萬枚相比要少得多。

The results show that the method is better than the method of counting prompt neutrons in distinguishing real and fake nuclear warheads 數值模擬表明,這種方法比計數瞬發中子總數有較大的優點,可用來探測鈾為彈芯的核彈頭。